Employer Programs
Your employees thrive and focus on what matters while we focus on chronic conditions and 24.7 acute care
Employers embrace telemedicine — with Cura’s Visit Fee only model save 100s of thousand
No More PEPM for a placeholder
PEPM for ongoing chronic disease magnement services – add ROI with a comprehensive teleHealth program.
Cura helps reduce medical costs, by keeping employees on a health event and Wellness Pathway (HEWP), providing convenient cost saving episodic care and promoting health focusing on chronic conditions.
Your employees will love it
Your bottom line will thank you
Including Telemedicine as a part of an overall portfolio of group employee benefits has become an important healthcare delivery and cost reduction tool. Cura Telemedicine eliminates office co-pays for employees and claims costs to the employer’s group healthcare plan. In a study of nearly 20,000 telemedicine patients, hospital admissions dropped by 30% and doctor visits were reduced by 60% for a savings of 45% in unnecessary doctor and emergency room visits. Cura’s remote patient monitoring of chronic health and the Health Event Pathway aims to offer even bigger ROI.
Cura Telehealth is more than Cost-Savings
24/7 access to our network of board certified physicians, doctorate practitioners, and therapists.
Cura Telehealth can treat over 80% of common and chronic conditions typically leading to urgent visits or hospitalizations with our no nonsense pay for performance model. No More PEPM charges for unused services.
No need to miss work to see a doctor. Employees can easily be seen 24/7
We engage employees in wellness and prevention for at risk health conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes and COPD. These employees benefit greatly from remote monitoring which has been shown to contribute to an additional 30% reduction in unexpected care. Employees become more aware of current conditions, empowering them to be more proactive with their health.
At risk health conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes benefit greatly from remote monitoring. This creates a 30% reduction of unexpected events. Employees become more aware of current conditions, empowering them to be more proactive with their health.
Easy Onboarding
Our dashboard allows for easy onboarding of employees and we work side-by-side with you to create a campaign to drive utilization.
- Customized, targeted and year-long engagement campaigns
- Engage employees in health event pathways which guides care from when to see a doctor or which MRI is best to choosing a surgery center.
- Remote patient monitoring for at risk health condition employees
- Engagement activities based on your objectives and goals to maximize utilization and savings
- Real-time reporting that measure ROI against goals