Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
Patients and family are our number one concern. It is a priority that patients utilizing Cura receive care that is delivered with accountability, compassion, and professionalism in mind. A patient’s rights can be exercised on his or her behalf by a designated surrogate or proxy decision-maker if the patient lacks decision-making capacity, is legally incompetent, or is a minor.
Patient Rights:
- To receive considerate, respectful, and compassionate care.
- To reasonable access to the medical resources at Cura without regard to race color, national origin, age, sex, disability, or financial status.
- To be informed about and to participate in decisions regarding your care, including the refusal of treatment.
- To be involved in all aspects of care, and to be allowed to participate in that care.
- Except in emergencies when the patient lacks the ability to make decisions and the need for treatment is urgent, the patient is entitled to a chance to discuss and request information related to the specific procedures and/or treatments available, the risks involved, the possible length of recovery, and the medically reasonable alternatives to existing treatments along with their accompanying risks and benefits.
- To information about advance directives that would allow you to make your own healthcare decisions for the future and to have your chosen representative exercise these rights for you if you are not able to do so.
- To be assured that our provision of care for you will not be conditioned on your advance directive.
- To refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law and to be informed of the medical consequences of your actions.
- To have clinical and educational information about your treatment in language and terms that you understand.
- To voice complaints about your care, and to have those complaints reviewed and, when possible, resolved.
- To have access to organizational leaders in an ethical, cultural or spiritual dilemma presents itself.
- To information about any research activities that involve your treatment, including benefits and risks, procedures involved, and alternative treatments.
- To security, privacy, and confidentiality in all patient care areas as you undergo tests or treatments.
- To know who is responsible for providing your immediate, direct care.
- To information about the financial aspects of services and alternative choices.
- To be supported in accessing protective services when requested.
- To unrestricted communication unless restrictions are a part of your treatment. Any restrictions will be explained to you and will be reviewed as your treatment changes.
- The health care organization provides for the safety and security of patients and their property.
- Patients who desire private telephone or video conversations have access to space and devices appropriate to their needs and the care, treatment, and services provided.
- The patient has the right to ask and be told of the existence of any business relationship among the hospital, educational institutions, other health care providers, and/or payers that may influence the patient’s treatment and care.
- The patient has the right to have an advance directive (such as a living will, health care proxy, or durable power of attorney for health care) concerning treatment or designating a surrogate decision-maker and to expect that the hospital will honor that directive as permitted by law and hospital policy.
- Health care institutions must advise the patient of his or her rights under state law and hospital policy to make informed medical choices, must ask if the patient has an advance directive, and must include that information in patient records. The patient has the right to know about any hospital policy that may keep it from carrying out a legally valid advance directive.
- To request an itemized statement of billed services.
Patient Responsibilities:
- To give your doctor and the Cura staff complete and accurate information about your condition and care, including the reporting of unexpected changes in your condition to your physician and nurse.
- To provide documentation of your care or allow Cura to provide on your behalf, summary documents of the care your received.
- To follow orders and instructions given by your doctor and instructions given by the staff for your care, including keeping follow-up appointments after discharge and transmitting records to your primary care provider when requested.
- To report unexpected changes in your condition to your physician and nurse.
- To bring a current copy of your advance directives to be placed in your medical record prior to the time a hospital admission.
- To accept responsibility for refusing treatment.
- To show consideration for other patients by following all rules and regulations pertaining to smoking, visitors, noise and general conduct.
- To accept all financial obligations associated with your care.
- To be considerate of staff members who are caring for you. A mutual spirit of respect and cooperation allows us to serve you best.
- To advise your nurse, physician, caregiver, and/or the business office staff of any dissatisfaction you may have regarding your care.
- Patients are responsible for making sure that the health care institution has a copy of their written advance directive if they have one.
- Patients are responsible for informing their physicians and other caregivers if they anticipate problems in following prescribed treatment.
- Patients also should be aware that the hospital has to be reasonably efficient and equitable in providing care to other patients and the community. The hospital’s rules and regulations are designed to help the hospital meet this obligation.
- Patients and their families are responsible for being considerate of and making reasonable accommodations to the needs of the hospital, other patients, medical staff, and hospital employees.
- Patients are responsible for providing necessary information for insurance claims and for working with the hospital as needed to make payment arrangements.
- A patient’s health depends on much more than health care services. Patients are responsible for recognizing the impact of their lifestyles on their personal health.
Patient Satisfaction:
Assessment of patient/family satisfaction is most important to us. Every attempt is made by the nurse to contact each patient within 24-48 hours after discharge. Please let us know how we can improve our service to you.
Our staff strives to provide excellent care and service. If we fail to meet your expectations, please do not hesitate to let us know as soon as possible. Rest assured that voicing a concern will not hinder the care and service we provide. Usually a word to your nurse or Director of Nursing is all that is needed, but if you prefer, you can contact the Administrator of Cura at 888-910-2872 or Your concern will be promptly addressed. You also have the right to register a complaint with your state Department of Health, Medicare & Medicaid Services at 800-633-4227, or Joint Commission Fax at 630-792-5636.